Shoulder Stabilization Surgery for Shoulder Instability & Dislocations

What Is Shoulder Instability?

Shoulder instability is a chronic condition that causes frequent dislocation of the shoulder joint. A dislocation occurs when the end of the humerus (the ball portion) partially or completely dislocates from the glenoid (the socket portion) of the shoulder. The repeated dislocation of the humerus out of its socket is called chronic shoulder instability.

What Is the Procedure for Shoulder Stabilization Surgery?

Shoulder Stabilization Surgery is performed to improve stability and function to the shoulder joint and prevent recurrent dislocations. It can be performed arthroscopically, depending on the particular condition, with much smaller incisions. Arthroscopic stabilization results in less pain and complications, and a shorter hospital stay.

Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgery where two tiny, half-inch incisions (portals) are made around the joint area. An arthroscope (small, fiber-optic viewing instrument with an attached camera) is passed through one of the incisions and displays the images of the inside of the joint on a television monitor, allowing the surgeon to view the cartilage, ligaments, and the rotator cuff while performing the procedure. The orthopedic surgeon pumps sterile saline solution into the joint to expand it and provide a clearer view.

The orthopedic surgeon passes tiny surgical instruments through the other incisions to treat the condition, and then staples or sutures any tears in the rotator cuff. A thermal shrinkage device may be used in order to make the ligaments tight and prevent instability.

What Happens After Shoulder Stabilization Surgery?

Following Shoulder Stabilization Surgery, the orthopedic surgeon may recommend a continuous passive motion machine to prevent stiffness and improve the range of motion of the shoulder joint. The patient may wear a shoulder sling for 4-6 weeks to immobilize and facilitate healing, and start a postoperative rehabilitation program for 6-9 months. The patient will be able to participate in sports in about 18 to 36 weeks after the surgery.

What Are the Risks and Complications of Shoulder Stabilization Surgery?

As with any surgical procedure, there may be certain risks and complications involved and include infection of the surgical wound, post-operative stiffness, risk of arthritis, muscle weakness and injury to the nerves and blood vessels.

If shoulder instability is causing you pain or affecting your quality of life, see how we can help you heal.