Sports Medicine Orthopedic Services
Expert Sports Medicine for Every Athlete
Get back in the game with treatments tailored to your goals.
At OINT, we specialize in sports medicine treatments to help athletes of all levels recover and perform at their best. From injury prevention to advanced surgical techniques, we’re here to keep you moving.
- General Orthopedics
- Hip
Surgical Treatments
- Acetabuloplasty
- Arthroscopic Gluteus Medius Tendon Repair
- Capsular Closure
- Femoroplasty
- Hip Labral Repair
- Femoroacetabular Impingement
- Gluteus Tendon Tear
- Hamstring Injuries
- Hip Abductor Tears
- Hip Adductor Injuries
- Hip Flexor Strain
- Hip Labral Tear
- Hip Muscle Strain
- Hip Pointer
- Hip Tendonitis
Non-Surgical Treatments - Knee
Surgical Treatments
- ACL Reconstruction
- Distal Femoral Osteotomy
- High Tibial Osteotomy
- Knee Arthroscopy
- Knee Cartilage Restoration
- Lateral Knee Extra-articular Tenodesis
- MCL Reconstruction
- Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction
- Meniscal Surgery
- Meniscus Root Repair
- Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy
- ACL Tears
- Anterior Knee Pain
- Chondral or Articular Cartilage Defects
- Fractures of the Patella
- Fractures of the Tibia
- Jumper's Knee
- Knee Ligament Injuries
- Knee Sports Injuries
- Lower extremity malalignment
- MCL Tears
- Meniscal Tears
- Multiligament Knee Injuries
- Patellar Dislocation/Patellofemoral Dislocation
- Patellar Instability
- Patellar Tendon Rupture
- Patellar Tracking Disorder/Patellar Maltracking
- Quadriceps Tendon Rupture
- Runner's Knee
Non-Surgical Treatments - Shoulder
Surgical Treatments
- Arthroscopic Bankart Repair
- Arthroscopic Latarjet for Shoulder Instability
- Open Shoulder Stabilization
- Reverse Shoulder Replacement
- Rotator Cuff Repair
- Shoulder Arthroscopy
- Shoulder Joint Replacement
- Shoulder Stabilization
- SLAP Tears
- AC Joint Separation
- Arthritis of the Shoulder
- Baseball and Shoulder Injuries
- Clavicle Fracture
- Little League Shoulder
- Pectoralis Major Tears/Repairs
- Proximal Biceps Tendon Rupture
- Rotator Cuff Arthropathy
- Rotator Cuff Tear
- Shoulder Bursitis
- Shoulder Dislocation
- Shoulder Instability
- Shoulder Labral Tear
- SLAP Repair
- Throwing Injuries of the Shoulder
Non-Surgical Treatments