Publications Featuring Dr. Florian Dibra

Poster Presentations
Dibra F, Silverberg A, Gray C, Parvataneni H, Vasilopoulos T, Prieto H. Arthroplasty Care Redesign Impacts the Predictive Accuracy of the Risk Assessment and Predictor Tool. 7th Annual ICJR South Hip and Knee Course. Key Largo, FL. June 27-29, 2019.
Dibra F, Silverberg A, Gray C, Parvataneni H, Vasilopoulos T, Prieto H. Arthroplasty Care Redesign Impacts the Predictive Accuracy of the Risk Assessment and Predictor Tool. Florida Orthopaedic Society Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL. June 20-23, 2019.
Kepler C, Dibra F, Anderson DG, Rihn J, Hilibrand A, Albert T, Harrop J, Vaccaro A, Radcliff K. Neurologic Injury Due to Secondary Trauma after Type II Odontoid Nonunion. Cervical Spine Research Society Annual Meeting. Scottsdale, AZ. Dec 7-10, 2011.
Kepler C, Dibra F, Anderson DG, Rihn J, Hilibrand A, Albert T, Harrop J, Vaccaro A, Radcliff K. Neurologic Injury Due to Secondary Trauma after Type II Odontoid Nonunion. North American Spine Society Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. Nov 2-5, 2011.
Kepler C, Markova D, Yadla S, Dibra F, Ponnappan R, Vaccaro A, Albert T, Anderson DG. Elevated CCL5 (RANTES) Expression is Associated with Painful Disc Degeneration. Philadelphia Spine Research Symposium. Philadelphia, PA. Dec 14, 2010.
Yadla S, Markova D, Dibra F, Zhang Y, Anderson DG. Cytokine Profiles of Intervertebral Discs of Patients with Degenerative Disc Disease. Philadelphia Spine Research Symposium. Philadelphia, PA. Dec 9, 2009.
Dibra F and Desmond M. The kinetics of neuroepithelial growth at a critical time of brain development in the chick embryo. Sigma Xi Symposium. Villanova, PA. Apr 28, 2007.
Dibra F, Parvataneni H, Gray C, Vasilopoulos T, Prieto H. The Risk Assessment and Prediction Tool Accurately Predicts Discharge Destination After Revision Hip and Knee Arthroplasty. J of Arthroplasty. 2020 May 29.
Dibra F, Silverberg A, Gray C, Parvataneni H, Vasilopoulos T, Prieto H. Arthroplasty Care Redesign Impacts the Predictive Accuracy of the Risk Assessment and Predictor Tool. Journal of Arthroplasty. 2019 Nov; 34(11): 2549-2554.
Dibra F, Prieto H, Gray C, Parvataneni H. Don’t Forget the Hip! Hip Arthritis Masquerading as Knee Pain. Arthroplasty Today. Aug 12, 2017. 4(1):118-124.
Dibra F, Parvataneni H. An Unsual Presentation of Catastrophic Failure of Hip Arthroplasty with a Thigh Mass. Arthroplasty Today. Apr 8, 2016. 2(2):63-67.
Kepler C, Vaccaro A, Dibra F, Anderson DG, Rihn J, Hilibrand A, Albert T, Harrop J, Radcliff K. Neurologic Injury Due to Trauma after Type II Odontoid Nonunion. Spine J. Jun 1, 2014. 14(6):903-908.
Kepler C, Markova D, Dibra F, Yadla S, Vaccaro A, Risbud M, Albert TJ, Anderson DG. The Expression and Relationship of Pro-inflammatory Chemokine RANTES/CCL5 and Cytokine IL-1β in Painful Human Intervertebral Discs.Spine (Phila Pa 1976), May 15, 2013. 38(11):873-880.
Jiang Q, Dibra F, Lee M, Oldenburg R and Uitto J. Overexpression of Fetuin-A Counteracts Ectopic Mineralization in a Mouse Model of Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum (Abcc6 −/−). Journal of Investigative Dermatology, May 2010. 130(5):1288-1296.
Jiang Q, Endo M, Dibra F, Wang K and Uitto J. Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum Is a Metabolic Disease. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Feb 2009. 129(2):348–354.
Book Chapters
Vegari D, Dibra F, Hozack W. Navigation-Assisted Total Knee Arthroplasty. In: Parvizi J, ed. The Knee, Reconstruction, Replacement and Revision. Towson, MD: Data Trace Publishing Company; 2012.
Dibra F, Anderson DG, Sayadipour A. Intraoperative Imaging: Radiation Safety, Techniques, and Technology. In: Wang M, ed. Handbook of Minimally Invasive and Percutaneous Spine Surgery. St. Louis, MO: Quality Medical Publishing, 2011.
Neubauer PR, Dibra F, Anderson DG. Anatomic Relationships With Two-Dimensional Imaging. Handbook of Minimally Invasive and Percutaneous Spine Surgery. In: Wang M, ed. St. Louis, MO: Quality Medical Publishing, 2011.
Neubauer PR, Dibra F, Anderson DG. Pedicle Cannulation With True AP Fluoroscopic Imaging. Handbook of Minimally Invasive and Percutaneous Spine Surgery. In: Wang M, ed. St. Louis, MO: Quality Medical Publishing, 2011.