Signs You Should See an Orthopedic for Pain or Injury

Signs You Should See an Orthopedic for Pain or Injury
Signs You Should See an Orthopedic for Pain or Injury

Not all pain is created equal. Some chronic pain can be debilitating and destructive, keeping you from living your life to the fullest, enjoying the things you love, and even doing long-term damage to your body.

Even if you think you can “tough it out” or “power through it,” you’re not only doing a disservice to your own health and happiness; you may be ignoring signs of a more serious issue.

Whether it’s chronic pain, injuries, mobility issues, and more, orthopedic issues can significantly – and negatively – impact your quality of life. It’s important to receive timely care to remedy your orthopedic issues, and prevent conditions from getting worse.

Whether you’re a person experiencing chronic pain, someone with a history of orthopedic conditions, or maybe a caregiver or loved one hoping to help a person in need, we can help. As orthopedic surgeons, we specialize in diagnosing and treating a variety of musculoskeletal issues. But we can’t do anything if you don’t come to see us.

So, you may be wondering: “When should I see an orthopedic doctor?”

We can help with that too.

Here are the eight signs it’s time to see an orthopedic surgeon.

  1. Chronic pain that persists for weeks.

    Pain happens. Nobody wants to hear it, but pain can often be a part of life. Whether it’s stubbing your toe or having mild back pain after sitting for too long, a lot of pain will simply go away on its own, or may be your body’s way of telling you to make lifestyle changes; like stretching, working out more, eating better, or standing instead of sitting.

    We recommend trying the RICE method first: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation, particularly when it comes to pain in your arms and legs. However, if pain doesn’t improve with time or over-the-counter remedies, it may indicate a deeper issue.

  2. Difficult performing daily activities.

    There’s an old joke that “you know you’re old when you groan when you get out of the chair.” Considering we have heard perfectly healthy people in their mid-30s make that joke about themselves, it’s likely not a sign you need to see an orthopedic doctor.

    However, if your pain is dramatically disrupting your day-to-day life, it might mean its a bigger problem than you realize.


    Do you have trouble climbing stairs, performing routine tasks, or simply walking? Do you feel pain or stiffness in any part of your body when you’re just doing your daily activities? There’s no reason to ignore these signs. It’s time to go see an orthopedic doctor.

  3. Injury with severe swelling or limited mobility.

    Have you suffered an injury? Maybe it was a sports-related injury, a fall, an accident, or even a car wreck? Lingering pain from any of the above could be a big clue it’s time to see your orthopedic surgeon.

    Even if you had the injury treated (such as repairing a broken bone, or torn muscle, ligament, or tendon), pain that persists is a problem. Maybe the injury was a long time ago, but the pain in the area has come back with a vengeance years later. Don’t ignore it when you can treat it.

    If you have severe joint swelling, inability to move a limb, or even deformities after an injury, get in touch with us immediately.

  4. Unexplained pain.

    Believe it or not, past injuries can be helpful when it comes to recognizing the signs and symptoms of orthopedic issues. After all, at least you have a pretty good idea of why the problem is occurring.

    But what about the times when there is no easy explanation?

    Unexplained pain, especially in the joints, is not only disruptive; it’s also frustrating, because you don’t necessarily know what’s causing it. That’s where we can come in.

    To successfully treat the issue, you must diagnose it first. We’re experts in both, and can help you. But you need to recognize the signs and act on them.

    If you have a sudden or gradual onset of pain (especially in your joints) without an obvious cause, it might mean arthritis or another condition.

    Whatever it is, it’s a clear sign you need to see an orthopedic doctor.

  5. Numbness, weakness, or tingling.

    Pain can oftentimes be hard to describe. Sometimes it’s throbbing, while other times it’s a burning sensation. Whatever the feeling, pain always feels unpleasant, if not downright terrible.

    But what about times that you don’t feel pain, per se?

    What if you feel numbness, weakness, or tingling that just doesn’t go away?

    It may not be pain, but these are not signs you should ignore.

    Numbness, tingling, and especially weakness could indicate big problems, and frequently can be a sign of nerve compression or damage.

    You may think “it’s no big deal,” but don’t try to power through it. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to visit the orthopedic doctor.

  6. Limited range of motion.

    Simply put, your body is meant to move. So, if you’re unable to move your arms, legs, knees, neck, or shoulders without pain or stiffness (or worse, you can’t move them at all, period), you need to see an orthopedic doctor.

    Limited range of motion is one of the biggest indicators we look for when it comes to orthopedic issues. Not being able to move can also be a huge pain (literally and figuratively) in the neck, shoulder, knee, etc.

    Yes, we all tend to lose our mobility as we age. But if you’re a younger person with limited mobility, or even an elderly person with severely limited mobility, you should come see us. You deserve to be in control of your own body, and feel the freedom of movement.

  7. Recurring sports injuries.

    We all know what it’s like to watch our favorite athlete come back from an injury, only to suffer the same injury just a few games into his or her return.

    It’s no fun when we watch it; it’s even worse when we suffer it ourselves.

    Repeated injuries or pain are more than just a case of “bad luck.” They could be a sign of a more serious condition. If you have repeated injuries or pain that doesn’t resolve with rest and rehabilitation, we can help you get back in the game.

  8. Difficulty recovering after surgery or injury.

    Even if you have had a successful surgery in the recent past, you still may not be out of the woods just yet. Your musculoskeletal system is extremely complex, which is why our orthopedic surgeons each spent years in training, and continue to advance their knowledge while practicing. So, don’t ignore pain that persists after surgery.

    We’re big proponents of physical therapy and recommend it to all of our patients post surgery. If physical therapy or other treatments fail to restore function or relieve pain after surgery, it’s time to go to your orthopedic doctor to see if there’s a deeper issue that’s halting your recovery.

    Are you dealing with any of the above conditions? Why suffer in silence or complain bitterly about your pain when it doesn’t have to be that way? Why miss out on important life moments when there may be orthopedic solutions for you? Let us know how we can help you.

    At the Orthopedic Institute of North Texas, we’re experts in providing a host of surgical and non-surgical orthopedic solutions. Our team of orthopedic surgeons and support staff specialize in diagnosing and treating a variety of musculoskeletal issues.

    We take the time to listen to your signs and symptoms, so we can know “your story” and how this specific pain or other issue is impacting your life. We also offer state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging and other tools to precisely pinpoint the source of your pain. Finally, we can treat your conditions with non-surgical and surgical options, including minimally invasive and specialized surgical options that help you heal faster.

    But it’s worth repeating – we can’t help you if you don’t come to see us.

    Seeing your orthopedic surgeon as soon as possible is critical to preventing further damage or complications, getting the most accurate diagnosis, receiving a tailored treatment plan, and – most importantly – improving your health, happiness, and quality of life by relieving pain and restoring mobility.

    So why wait to feel great?

    With multiple convenient locations around the North Texas area, and positive reviews from our patients, our expert team is here to help, whether you’re experiencing chronic pain, a sports injury, or any of the above signs.

    Don’t let your orthopedic issues and injuries keep you from doing the things you love – and living your best life. Schedule an appointment with us.